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在2012年的开年之际,SUNLIFE出资5000加币赞助了VANCOUVER ONLINE杯羽毛球公开赛。比赛安排在BCIT(BC省理工学院)的体育馆进行。由于这是当地最高奖金的比赛,当然吸引了众多的羽毛球爱好者报名参赛。元月7日这一天,安排了许多不同组别的比赛,其中有男双100+ 的比赛。本着志在参与和HAVE FUN的心态,我与老乡梁先生报名参加了此项比赛。由于我们俩平时很少在一起配对玩双打,想赛出好成绩就是天方夜谈。

比赛时以单淘汰赛的形式,胜一场就进入第二轮。负一场就出局。我们的第一组对手是西人和华人球手组合。那位西人有极大的身材优势,体高臂长,力量大。他的队友也是老波骨,手上功夫了得。面对这样的强劲对手,我们这组临时配对一开始就处于下风和被动挨打。 开赛不久就以1比4落后,打着打着,比分到了4比8,我们慢慢地在适应他们的打法和磨合自己的配合。 当对方率先拿到11分后,有了短时间的交流机会。我们已基本摸清对方的实力,知道如何以己之长去克敌之短。当比赛继续进行,我们在发接发和前三拍平推压上克制住对手,没让对手有什么机会发挥高空优势,就这样,我们的比分在节节上升,到了16比16追成平手后,我们的比分就开始领先,并以21比18拿下第一局。在换场地再战第二局的时候,对方也调整了打法,并有好的开局,比分又是领先我们3分。这时候,我发现那位西人体力下降,前后移动慢,转身慢,马上与梁先生交流,两人合攻这位对手。此法马上凑效,前后拉吊,让对手回球找不到他的最佳击球点,使之回球质量差,结果就处于被动挨打的局面。不用多久,我们比分领先到11,对方才得7分。尔后,我们一直保持二人合攻一人的打法,再也没有让对方给我们造成什么麻烦,一路领先到21比14,拿下第二局,取得开门红。

然而,好景不长。第二轮就签运不佳,稀里糊涂地被安排到与本次比赛的冠军组合对阵。虽然自己对冠军组合十分熟悉,几年前还常在一起打球, 但很清楚他们的水平和配合已远远在我们临时组队之上。我们就只能尽力而为了。第一局的开局打得不错,比分有短暂领先,但这对冠军组合是长年累月的在一起打球,能攻善守,我们就难有什么作为了,以0比2败下阵来。如果我们能被安排到另一条赛线,我们应该有能力打到决赛。没准,也能混个亚军玩玩。因为我们观看了冠亚军争夺比赛,对亚军组合人物也熟悉,以前一起在RICHMOND市的羽毛球俱乐部打过球。



BCIT Badminton Tournament 1

JP (红衣)和梁先生(白衣)在第一场比赛中准备接发球

BCIT Badminton Tournament 2

在比赛第二轮,JP 和梁先生遇到苏先生与 JP 以前的拍档 John

Being on vacation at the time, I was there at the tournament to cheer on JP and Mr. Liang. In the first round, JP was a little nervous at the beginning and made some errors, but after a little while he warmed up and played well. It was clear at the middle of the first game that JP’s team had more firepower and speed than their opponents. Mr. Liang has a good smash and drive, and he and JP attacked at every opportunity which is what you are supposed to do in doubles badminton. The second game was the same story, and the big white guy on the opposing team started to tire a bit, and so JP and Mr. Liang kept up the offense and was able to take the match.

The second round JP and Mr. Liang had bad luck and drew the eventual winners of the tournament group. JP and I both knew the two guys on the opposing team, and unlike the first round opponents these guys had plenty of attacking power. The first game was close and JP and Mr. Liang had the lead at the start, but then they made a string of errors that allowed the opponents to catch up and take the lead. I guess JP and Mr. Liang were getting tired because they didn’t get much rest after the first match, and also this was the first time they teamed up in competition. They never got it back together and lost the first game, and then fell behind early on the second game and couldn’t recover. Of course, the opponents were quite strong, and it would have been a tough match-up even if JP and Mr. Liang had the teamwork. Overall, JP and Mr. Liang didn’t win which is of course a little bit disappointing, but they had decent showing and they certainly have a chance in future tournaments in that 45-55 age group.

发布在个人体会/Personal, 比赛评论/Competion Review. 将该链接存入书签。 Trackbacks are closed, but you can post a comment.


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